
№14 дон-Вонакак становится Отцом [с большой буквы]


[продолжение «№13 Sfera посвящается в странствующие рыцари» https://newostrie.ru/posts/29497-13-sfera-posvjaschaetsja-v-stranstvuyuschie-rycari.html

+++ === +++  Dear Margo,  [This email is a continuation of me publicly blogging important milestones in my life https://newostrie.ru/posts/29356-9-don-vonakak-v-chyornom-sobiraetsja-v-moskvu-mjau-damy-v-belom-zavodjat-kabriolety.html]  You are an awesome probation officer. Under your guidance, I am making significant progress. Last December, about 5 months ago, we decided on 3 goals for my 1-year probation: (1) education, (2) employment, and (3) religious involvement. As of now, I can report a significant breakthrough. Shortly this weekend, I became an ordained minister. You can now refer to me as Father Karen or, better, Dr. Ba.xxx.yan [Ph.D.].  (1) Education: Education is all about learning and exploration. So, earlier this year, I researched my gender foundation and discovered a woman in a man's body who practiced only a monogamous heterosexual relationship with the female (to be my ex-wife). It helped me greatly relate to women's feelings and understand motherhood as I was heartbroken, missing my children since the beginning of the restraining order last May.  (2) Employment: My journey as a woman in a man's body also brought me to my current clerical employment in a large insurance company. That was a dramatic career change from software engineering. I worked in a predominantly male environment for several decades, while now I'm adjusting to a predominantly female setting. It is a totally different world with its own dynamics and challenges.  (3) Religious involvement: Classical baroque music, especially works of Bach, had always had a calming effect on me. With all my legal and criminal hardships, I turned to the church to find peace in piano and pipe-organ music performances. But through the holy words of the Bible that I inadvertently had to listen to along with the music, I recently [was?] transformed spiritually. I finally succeeded in balancing my masculine and feminine aspects, so to speak, Yin and Yang, with a tilt into masculinity. And, I felt ready and ordinated as a minister. As of now, I suppose I am Father Karen. Since the gender ambiguity of my name Karen (with a stress on the first vowel, it is an American name, and with a stress on the second vowel, it is an Armenian name), I'd prefer that you refer to me Dr. Ba.xxx.yan [Ph.D.]. Moreover, I am only at the beginning of my spiritual path, and I am a little bit shy and modest.  On a passing note, this weekend, I have not only become an ordained minister but also a certified deep-water lifeguard. I might have not saved anyone yet, but there is undoubtedly a symbolism at this point on my path. I also wish you all the best with achieving yoga-instructor certification and, as well, turning a new milestone on your path.  Sincerely and best wishes, Dr. Ba.xxx.yan 